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Book Details
Speaking of War: Quotations on Conflict HARDCOVER         
Speaking of War: Quotations on Conflict HARDCOVER
By Phillip S. Meilinger
ISBN: 979-8-9852820-9-2
Price: $39.95
Shipping: $6.00
Speaking of War: Quotations on Conflict serves as a heavy jumbo reference book documenting pithy, humorous, droll, or even ironic commentary surrounding and describing the machinations of warfare over the millenia. Culled from military historians, scholars, politicians, reporters, authors, generals and soldiers, the work is separated by categories for ease of use. Covered here are all forms of war in all mediums—land, sea and air, conventional and unconventional—and occurring all over the world. There is a great deal of history here, so readers must be careful: they might learn something. As Abraham Lincoln once said, you can`t believe everything you see on the Internet. Speaking of War also contains a robust bibliography and index.

Phillip S. Meilinger is a retired US Air Force colonel who was a command pilot, staff officer, and educator. He flew C-130 and HC-130 aircraft in Europe and the Pacific, and was a planner on the Air Staff in the Pentagon during the First Gulf War of 1991. He received his PhD in military history from the University of Michigan and has taught at the Air Force Academy, the Naval War College, and was dean of the School of Advanced Airpower Studies at Maxwell AFB in Alabama (now the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies). Upon retirement from the Air Force, he worked as a defense analyst in Washington DC for six years. Meilinger has published a dozen books and over 130 articles on military history, doctrine and operations from ancient history to the present. In 2022 he was awarded the “I.B. Holley Award for Sustained Contributions” by the Air Force Historical Foundation.


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