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Eighties Baseball Seasons Order Form
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Sort Sequence:                                                Total Books = 32

Item ID Description Price Shipping Active Purchase
000022 1886 National League / American Association (16) 19.95 4.00 Y
000026 1903-1909 World Series Teams (12) 19.95 4.00 Y
000003 1908 National / American League (16) 19.95 4.00 Y
000027 1910-1919 World Series Teams (20) 19.95 4.00 Y
000002 1917 National / American League (16) 19.95 4.00 Y
000028 1920-1929 World Series Teams (20) 19.95 4.00 Y
000004 1927 National / American League (16) 19.95 4.00 Y
000029 1930-1939 World Series Teams (20) 19.95 4.00 Y
000005 1934 National / American League (16) 19.95 4.00 Y
000006 1937 Negro American / National League (14) 19.95 4.00 Y
000030 1940-1949 World Series Teams (20) 19.95 4.00 Y
000023 1941 National / American League (16) 19.95 4.00 Y
000007 1948 National / American League (16) 19.95 4.00 Y
000031 1950-1959 World Series Teams (20) 19.95 4.00 Y
000008 1951 National / American League (16) 19.95 4.00 Y
000009 1957 National / American League (16) 19.95 4.00 Y
000032 1960-1969 World Series Teams (20) 19.95 4.00 Y
000024 1961 National / American League (18) 19.95 4.00 Y
000010 1965 National / American League (20) 19.95 4.00 Y
000033 1970-1979 World Series Teams (20) 19.95 4.00 Y
000012 1980 National / American League (26) 19.95 4.00 Y
000025 1980-1989 World Series Teams (20) 19.95 4.00 Y
000013 1981 National / American League (26) 19.95 4.00 Y
000014 1982 National / American League (26) 19.95 4.00 Y
000015 1983 National / American League (26) 19.95 4.00 Y
000016 1984 National / American League (26) 19.95 4.00 Y
000017 1985 National / American League (26) 19.95 4.00 Y
000018 1986 National / American League (26) 19.95 4.00 Y
000019 1987 National / American League (26) 19.95 4.00 Y
000020 1988 National / American League (26) 19.95 4.00 Y
000021 1989 National / American League (26) 19.95 4.00 Y
000011 World Series Pack (1908, 1917, 1927, 1934, 1948, 1951, 1957, 1965, 1986) 19.95 4.00 Y

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